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Makeup Disaster

Grace Davidson Thursday, June 13, 2013 16 Comments
Ugh, I hate when this thing happen.. I had to go out with my mom to pick something up this afternoon. For that reason, I woke up earlier than usual. I really didn't want to go out in this beautiful weather without any makeup so I started to apply some makeup on. As I applying my foundation, I was so satisfied how it glides on my face and looks flawless without concealer because I usually had to use it afterward to hide my blemishes.

Anyway, It must got on my hand when I applied eyeliner. I tried to move my hair back that was in the way.. and bam! The black stuff got on my cheek. It happened so quick! I was a bit pissed. If it was a normal day when I don't really care about foundation and stuff, I probably and immediately grab my makeup wipe and wipe it off and re-do. But since I really liked how my foundation look on me today, i had to think if i want to re-do or cover it up.. Well, long story short, I went out with this black line on my cheek. The end. No, I was just playing.. So, i rubbed it with my finger carefully to see if this line will come out and luckily it did without looking dirty and smudged!

 I know many of you have had this experiences at least once. Every time when this 'makeup disaster' happen, what do you usually do?

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Subscribe me via Bloglovin'

Grace Davidson Wednesday, June 12, 2013 6 Comments
image from weheartit. edited by me.
As many of you already know and heard of Google Friends Connect (GFC) is going away in July this year and eventually Google will remove GFC completely.  It seems like Google is pushing bloggers to move on its Google+ widget but I personally like GFC much better and I don't find myself using Google+ widget near future.. I've heard this news or rumor since March. I really didn't take it too seriously because I haven't heard anything officially from Google that they will remove GFC. I still don't know what's going on with this issue but I figured it's better to prepare for it- I'll be so upset to lose all my subscribers/followers and blogs I am following through GFC. So if you are my new reader or current follower, please make sure to follow me through Bloglovin' as an alternative.

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17 Debates on Blog-o-sphere

Grace Davidson Monday, June 3, 2013 10 Comments
Original topic/image from Google.  Edited by me.
Last night I found a list of bunch areas that bloggers take different approaches in – yet there would be many many more. So I sorted and narrowed it down to 17 topics. Some of them are debates that might come down to a bloggers ethics, although most are simply different approaches that might be based more upon each bloggers goals, the niche that they are in. I thought it will be thought-provoking to bring up the topic to discuss  and see others' opinion.

  • Post FrequencyPost More vs Post Less
: I don't try to post MORE or LESS, but at least I'm trying or would love to post something regularly.  I love my blog and write posts on my little space so much. However few weeks ago I had so much pressure on the post frequency and even I thought of closing my blog down. I always think those bloggers who writes their posts every day or two is just amazing - all their contents and review are very detailed and fun to read as well. On the other hand, I saw some fabulous bloggers who blog occasionally/sporadically but still, their contents are informative. So I think it's not the matter of how MANY posts you write every week to be an successful blogger. It's matter of how you write a post(detailed, informative, fun to read...)

  • How Many Blogs? – Focus upon One Single Blog vs Having Many Smaller Blogs
: I've seen some bloggers have more than one blog. In my opinion, I think it's better to focus on one single blog that is manageable. It's a great idea to have blogs for separate topics but eventually one blog will be out of your attention unless you are a full-time blogger :)

  • Domain Names – long vs short, hyphens vs non hypens, .com vs other extensions (like .net, .org), local vs global domain extensions
I like and tried to keep the domain name as short as possible. Just because it's easy to remember and can be typed quick. Yes, I'm lazy and I know it :p 

  • Hosting – hosted vs self hosted
I find this topic as quite interesting. I really don't care much about hosted blog or self-hosted. I think the only difference between these two is ownership. It's like you are having your own space to decorate how you want compare to renting a room from somebody that you can't do much. I think that is the whole idea of self-hosting website. But as we can see and prove that hosted site like Blogspot/Wordpress is very editable on design-wise that we can change layout and stuff. So i'm good with hosted blog. 

  • Post Titles – descriptive vs keywords
I'm more like a person who writes keywords for the post titles. I don't like my post titles to be lengthy and i can write descriptions in the contents, not on the titles.

  • Paid Reviews – To Write Paid Reviews vs Not Doing Paid Reviews
It depends. My opinion on this topic is that bloggers can write paid reviews but should not promise to the company or who ever offer them for a positive review just because of $$. Like, companies can pay you for to try their products or give you PR/samples but shouldn't force you to write a positive review. That's just not right. 

  • Design Professional Design vs Templates
I personally like well-organized or easy to read websites or blogs. However, it's more on what you are comfortable with. If you like simple, keep it simple and if you like well designed layout, go ahead or hire someone to do it for you if that's what you want. To be honest, I well understand the blog-envy and many people like to have their blog feels special and different because I feel like I want to blog more often when my blog designs are satisfied.- But, there's nothing wrong with free templates either. 

  • Links to External SourcesShould Open in a New Page vs Should Open in the Same Page
I like the external sources to be open in a new page. I don't know why but that's just how i am. 

  • Post Length – Long in Depth Posts vs Short, Sharp Posts
Mmm, I think this one is one of hard questions. I personally like long in depth posts but It's always hard to write one as myself. My only problem on writing a long in depth posts is that the English is just too tricky for me since Asian languages and Enlglish's form and stuffs are totally opposite and my lack of vocabulary and poor word choices. I'm really working on it and you will see a looooooooooooooong post in the future! 

  • Topic – Niche vs Broad Topics
It's always good to start with your niche where you are really comfortable talking about and enjoy.However,  If you have a variety of topics that you are really interested in and passionate, I don't see why not? 

  • Personal Blogging – Sticking to Topic vs Injecting Personality and Personal details
I definitely looove personal blogging. I have more fun and enjoy reading on blogs where the bloggers posts their personal issues or what's going on their life. I think It could be bored if you keep throwing same topic over and over. It's like you are only eating the bread. Sometimes you need a cup of milk,tea or coffee along with it and that's how the blog works :)

  • Comment Moderation – Highly Regulated and Moderated vs Anything Goes
  • Social Media vs Search – focus upon social media rather than search engines as traffic sources
  • Bloggers Participation in Comments – Respond to Every Single Comment vs Let Readers Talk to Each Other and Don’t Interact
  • Blog Platforms – WordPress vs Blogspot
  • Affiliate Disclosure – Disclose every affiliate link vs Site Wide Disclosure vs No Disclosure
  • Outsourcing – Outsourcing content (or other aspects of blogging) vs producing your own.

So, what do you think about these debates? What's your opinion? Please do share! 

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The Liebster Blog Award

Grace Davidson Sunday, June 2, 2013 13 Comments
I was kindly nominated for the Liebster Award by the lovely Jillian of  Jillicious Cosmetics .Thank you so much!

To participate after being nominated you'll just have to complete the following: 
1. Share eleven things about myself  
2. Answer eleven questions provided by the nominator 
3. Nominate 11 blogs (under 200 followers) that deserve the title and let them know! 
4. Think of eleven questions to ask these nominees
5. Thank the person that nominated you and link back to their blog

11 Things About Me:
1. I love dogs.
2. I enjoy doing stuff on Photoshop since I was 11years old.
3. My boyfriend and I were on a long distance relationship for 2 years.
4. I enjoy learning something new.
5. I spent money on silly stuff.
6. I had two monkeys as my pet .
7. I was a tomboy when i was young.
8. I'm a pretty decent artist.
9. I have at LEAST one coffee a day.
10. I can't go deep into the ocean. Just too scared.
11. I LOVE aquariums.

Nominator's (Jillicious Cosmetics) Questions:
1. What's your dream job? 
- My dream job is always changing consistently. However, I always wanted to be an artist- FINE ART.
2. If you could have an all-expenses paid vacation, where would you go?
Boracay. I would love to go to Boracay one day :)
3. What do you drive?
- Customized Volkswagen beetles.
4. Favorite blush?
- Benefit Cosmetic's blushes. They are just too cute and pretty colors.
5. Favorite pencil eyeliner? 
- I don't use pencil eyeliner as much as I use liquid liner. So, I can't say which is my fav since I didn't use it much. 
6. Is your goal to blog full-time?
- I wish I could but full-time blogging is not my goal. As of right now, blogging is just my little hobby :) 
7. What's your dream handbag?
- Balenciaga <3 I would love to have several with different colors/sizes. 
8. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Greece or Egypt! Greece seems so relaxed in the picture every time I see one. Egypt is just stuck in my brain. I love Egyptian myths. 
9. Would you rather live in a house or condo?
Definitely in a house. Condo is just lack of privacy and not much private place where you can go out and relax when the weather is nice compare to a house - nice little yard, pretty fence, garden etc... 
10. What's your most extravagant purchase?
- Electronics.. I am so crazy with new electronic things. Addicted!! Can't wait or ignore new electronics.  
11. How did you come up with your blog's name?
- I first ran my blog a name under 'Icecream8r' which was kind of silly. To be honesty, I didn't make my blog for beauty reviews.However as soon as I decided to blog things about beauty, 'Grace of Beauty' just came in to my mind.  

My Nominations:


1. When did you start your blog?
2. If you could start all over in life, would you change anything?
3. What are the best five words that would describe you?
4. Neutrals or bright colors?
5. What inspired you to start your blog? Why?
6. What are three things that you are grateful for?
7. What is the latest trip you went to?
8. How did you come up with your blog's name?
9. The latest beauty purchase?
10. Are you an organized person?
11. Your favorite blogs (pick 3)?

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Blogs i Love #1

Grace Davidson Wednesday, May 15, 2013 30 Comments

I recently saw few bloggers that were and still are faking giveaways to get more followers on their blog. How sad? Well it seems like working really well but eventually they will realize that the blogging is not just only about the number of followers.(I ,too, want as many as followers on my blog, but don't want to trick people with fake giveaways!) I mean, It's good to have many followers/readers but in my tiny opinion, blogging is also about interactions between other bloggers and get as many as information from others. Its very important that you enjoy what you are doing! 

On the other hand, there are many bloggers that are very supportive towards other bloggers and knows what they are doing. So I would like to share some links with you ,my lovely readers, for the first time. Probably many of you already know or following some of these lovelies that im going to introduce to you but if you haven't , oh my, please go check them out! Definitely worth it.

*This post might be a long one!

Blogs I love

 Coco always writes up great reviews about beauty products.  I also gained a lot of information about beauty tips / ideas. Her reviews are so honest that if I want to buy something but I'm not sure about it, I first go to her blog and check if she posted a review before the actual purchase. She was one of people who inspired me to start my own blog! She also offers advertising for other bloggers. I've been advertising with her for consecutively, and found out that her ad is one of the best out of all the other ads I've been with. So if you are interested in advertising with other blogger, I highly recommend The Beauty Milk.

  Gemma from Miss Makeup Magpie is such a sweetheart. She is very supportive towards other bloggers and super generous. I absolutely love visiting her blog daily basis. She has tons of posts about reviews but recently she had to experience a horrible nightmare. Someone hacked her blog and took out her domain name and erased months worth of posts /designs.  I felt so sorry and worried that I'm going to lose one of my favorite blogs to read. It was so horrible that I thought she might not going to continue on blogging. ( If i had to go through this, I don't know if I can handle it like Gemma and back to blogging)  But here she is with some new posts! So please do check her beautiful blog with great posts! You will be in love with her blog.

A Little Boat Sailing - Amy

  Amy from A Little Boat Sailing is another beautiful lady who is also very supportive. You can see it from the number of blog buttons that are linked on her blog.  Her layout is simple/sleek and easy to read! Her blog is mainly beauty but sometimes she throws recent instagram pictures along with some other interesting posts. Amy is so kind that she's the type of person that you want to be friend with. 

Beauty and the Chic - Claudia

Claudia's blog 'Beauty and the Chic' is mainly beauty related and contains many product reviews and lots of informative posts. I quite get excited for her new post. She does such a great job writing down her opinion and thought on the product(s) and I do search up her blog before anything that I buy online without any information to see if she did a review on it. Her photographs are great and I personally enjoy to see every details on her photos that she put efforts on. If you haven't check Claudia's blog you definitely should.

Boho Vanity - Jordan

Jordan from Boho Vanity has such a lovely blog that has clean/sleek look. She posts about Beauty, Fashion, Inspiration, Personal and other stuffs. I personally enjoy reading her 'Wanderlust' series. The first Wanderlust post I saw was Japan and it reminded me of old memories when I was traveling Japan. I was thrilled to see she posted another one recently. Now after seeing her post about Spain, I really want to go there one day! Why don't you go check her blog/posts out? it's really worth it! :)

Noiredame - Lau

Lau's blog ' Noiredame' is quite interesting blog that I really like to go visit regularly. She does many Anime inspired look that are so unique and sometimes makes me to try recreate some of her look! She's not scared to try things and i really want to be more like her. Lau's blog is so nicely organized and simple that's easy to read. Lau also does beauty reviews and very supportive blogger! Love her<3
So if you haven't check Lau's blog yet, please do. I know you will have tons of fun on her blog reading her posts. 

The Blog ofGranny Gee - Granny Gee

I don't have special interest in fashion but Granny Gee has some unique outfit wishlist every time I go visit her blog. She does beauty reviews and some celebrities posts along with many fashion related posts. What I most like her and her blog is that she is very active blogger out there who really writes up sweet comments for other bloggers and visiting many blogs. Most of the time when i find new blogs to read, I see Granny Gee's comment! I love how supportive she is as a person and a blogger. You might want to show her some love with a sweet comment on her blog, and she might return to you with much more love! 

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What are your recent favorite blogs to read?
What do you looking for or expecting when you visiting other blogs?
  Please do share! :)

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Sunday Walk

Grace Davidson Wednesday, May 15, 2013 4 Comments

First of all, my dog is super energetic. One time we took her to the groomers and they couldn't handle her (Leia flapped like a fish out of the water) so my boyfriend and i had to groom her by ourselves-which we ended up leaving her one leg hairy and other legs completely shaved. Yes we did a horrible job.. Groomers even suggested us to take her to the vet and get some calming med ,however, we didn't want to drug our little dog.  Even we have to use med to make her calm, we wanted something that's natural. We tried giving her tea, natural drops and taking her to the doggie park.. It seems like everything doesn't work or makes her tired.

 It was pretty hot last weekend so my boyfriend and I decided to take Leia to the doggie park. Because it was hot, all the dogs in the park were in the shade, resting instead of playing and so did Leia too. We were sat there for 30 minutes and finally agreed to go walk on the beach instead of sitting on the chair at the doggie park where no dogs were playing. We arrived at the local beach and I don't know if she liked to walk on the beach better than the park or not but at least she wasn't suffering from massive heat. I assumed that she did enjoy walking. 

Well, she wasn't the only creature that enjoyed nice sea breeze. It's been so hot lately that I couldn't stay at the house without fan or AC. Imagine this, I was sweating like a crazy 30 minutes after the cold shower. Anyway, I felt so relaxed outside. Just listening to the wave was so peaceful and being with person that I love was so precious. 

What do you do when you need some rest? 
What do you like to do with your lover on the weekend? 
Do share ! :)

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illustration - Estee(@Essiebutton)

Grace Davidson Thursday, May 9, 2013 12 Comments
So the other night, I couldn't sleep till 3am. I was bored but nothing to do so decided to draw something. I normally do my drawings on real paper since I love fine art instead of graphic when it comes to drawing something. However, all my 'right and the best' drawing tools were in my parent's house so only thing I could use was my graphic tablet. I don't draw much on my tablet or computer because I just think I can draw better in real paper. Anyhow, I was reading Estee's blog(Essiebutton) at the same time when i was thinking I want to draw. So I decided to draw her, she's just so gorgeous!- I smell a girl crush here! Anyway, this is how drawing came out and I quite like it. I asked her a permission for using it as my example on portfolio and she kindly said yes. Thank you so much! :)
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My little cutie

Grace Davidson Friday, May 3, 2013 8 Comments

Today I feel like throwing some non-beauty related images. Yes, about my little Yorkshire Terrier. This messy looking dog is my princess Leia and she's approximately 11months old in May.

 I named her Princess Leia-from the Star Wars because my mom have a dog name Chewy(also from the Star Wars) I'm not a huge fan of Star Wars or anything but I though I should relate their name for somehow. I like my yorkie to have a bow on her hair but I remember my dad always said ' dog should have no bow, leave the hair in natural way, messy look is cuter...' so this time I tried not to comb her hair back when it gets messy or put the bows on top of her hair and look... total disaster!

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I mean I don't know, 
sure South Korea and US have different way to  trim and style the dogs.
What do you think? 
put the bow back or as my dad said, leave it alone?
Trim her hair short or long?

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Birthday Card for Him

Grace Davidson Friday, April 26, 2013 9 Comments
As I mentioned on Twitter yesterday, I literally forgot about my boyfriend's birthday. I didn't realized that it was his birthday until one in the afternoon. Of course, I didn't have any present for him and even worse, I ignored him in the morning just because I was in a sleep. I felt really really bad. Yeah, you can say it out loud - I'm the worst girlfriend ever(sigh.) Some of you might ask why haven't i went to some place to get his present. Well apparently, one of my car tires got flat and I was waiting for my boyfriend to fix it for me(basically I was trapped in the house.) Bake some cake? I really wanted to but currently we don't have proper kitchen due to updating our whole kitchen. isn't it sucks or what?  Anyways, only thing I could do for him in the little house was make some little birthday card, clean up the house,  be pretty and wait for him to come home. The card I made it for him isn't so great but I could managed to finish it in a such short time!Anyways, he really thought that I forgot his birthday because I didn't text him say 'Happy Birthday!' He came home, looked all down. I was like 'You've got mail, I put it on top of the kitchen table.' He went there, looked at it and looked at me back with happy face, saying " I thought you forgot about my birthday!" :) I loved how he got so happy with a little card. We went out to eat, and went to another bookstore that's little far away from the house. Yes, literally, we did went to the bookstore instead of movie. I hope next year will be a better birthday for him.
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Random Recent Purchase

Grace Davidson Thursday, April 25, 2013 12 Comments

Last night, I was getting a headache so my boyfriend and I went out to the bookstore to see if there's anything new. The bookstore is in the mall area, bunch little stores are there and apparently we went to somewhere else than a bookstore. I am a sucker for good scents especially the rose. My boyfriend found this amazing handmade soaps that has rose scent and carved roses! I had to get it even though I don't normally use bar soap. Since I am almost out of rose Yankee Candle, I got two candles this time. One is called Natural Cotton and another one is Lilac. I know it might sounds little weird but I can't relax without my candle on. Also, I got Home and Body co. Shampoo. The reason why I got it was my hair is currently color treated and after I bleached once, it got super damaged. My mom always loved jojoba/olive oil stuff so this time I purchased with trust in my mom. Those items were in very good prices- definitely will make another trip to this store in the future.
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What's your favorite candle(s)/scent? 
Any good homegood/deco store online or offline?

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Spring clean up: My desk

Grace Davidson Sunday, April 14, 2013 31 Comments
I usually check comments right away and reply as much as i can. These few days, I couldn't speand more time on blogging since I was little busy cleaning the house. My boyfriend and I have so much stuff that we don't need/use at all so we decided to throw some stuff out and re-organize. Well, I started to re-arrange whole furniture in the office/bed room and couldn't finish it. The house is still messy and a lot to clean.I hope I can finish it in few days and spend more time on fun blogging :)! My desk area isn't interesting nor special but it is my favorite space to spend time in the house. I'm thinking to get a little picture frame for the wall (in between two big frames.) What do you think? should i get it or just leave it? Also trying to find little stuff for the shelves. I'm not good at decorating the shelves so throw some ideas for me please!

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Influences of the Internet TAG

Grace Davidson Friday, April 5, 2013 2 Comments

  A beautiful lady named Imogen (@Be Beautiful ) tagged me on this lovely post. Thank you!  


1) You must state this tag was created by Megan at TheBeautyPier.
2) You must tag at least one person to do this. However, the more the merrier!
3) Let the person know you tagged them with a comment on their blog. 
4)Title this post 'Influences of the Internet TAG!'
5) Enjoy!

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Blog Photography Tips

Grace Davidson Tuesday, March 26, 2013 13 Comments
Hello lovelies! The other day, I read a really good post about 'How To Take Pictures for Your Beauty Blog.' It was such a useful post and very interesting that how other people take their pictures for their blog. So, I decided to do a simple little post about how I take pictures for mine as well as few basic tips. Well,  let's get started!

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100 ideas | Week One #14

Grace Davidson Friday, March 22, 2013 2 Comments

100 ideas by Keri Smith
#14. trace your footsteps with chalk.

 I stumbled upon blogs and found Keri Smith's 100 ideas. Many of them are kind of stuffs that I wouldn't normally do or think of. I thought it is fun and unique to try in my boring and dry life! Since I have a set of chalk, I tried number 14 trace your footsteps with chalk. My little doggie kept bothered me while I was drawing and walking. I wanted to trace Leia's little paw but she has too much energy to escape or run around. 
My boyfriend would think me as a childish but at least I had a fun tracing it!


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planting week #1 | baby seeds

Grace Davidson Friday, February 15, 2013 0 comment

My boyfriend and I went to the Target to look for stuff and we found this planter box. So, we decided to plant some flowers for fun since we are going to redo our yard. Growing little beans and onion were my science assignment during elementary school and that is my only experience for planting. I was little impatient for first few days. Now I see some seeds are poking their head out;) I am so excited!

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Tiny Hand With Heart